MBPIB Multi BOB Group placing Ch.Aldercrest 

Miss Nina VeGrenan


Now co-owned with Hellwigg Kennels

DOB January 23 2010

Nina is a very pretty, friendly little girl. I am very fortunate to have this Trapper daughter and I thank Aldercrest Kennels for recognizing that my boy was of the quality they were looking for.

Nina has very dark pigment. Her eyes are almost black. She has great angulation and she is still learning how to use it. Nina has a very sweet, soft personality. I just adore her.

Nina made her show debut at the Trenton shows doing very well by winning her class. Nina's second show she came out with a bang - winning Best of Breed and Group Third as a junior puppy. Nina finished her championship with two more back to back Bst of Breeds.

 click for pedigree

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